Rabies - more deadly than Ebola!

Rabies vaccination can be confusing. We thought it was worth a wee blog to cover some key facts with which you can astound fellow travellers, win pub quizzes and hopefully not get rabies.

Fact 1 - WE HAVE RABIES VACCINE IN STOCK! Okay, that’s a start as there is a worldwide shortage.

Fact 2 - If you get rabies, it is 100% fatal. It is more deadly than even diseases such as Ebola. Hopefully that has your attention…!

Fact 3 - Rabies is PREVENTABLE - avoid bites, licks and scratches from animals and keep a particular eye out for the kids wanting to play with that stray dog, cute or not. Vaccination in advance of travel is effective.

Planning to work with animals?

You may be at higher risk - talk to us and we can help advise you what vaccine regime would be best.

Fact 4 - Rabies vaccine can be injected into your muscle or just under the skin (intradermally or ID). ID rabies is a smaller dose, so costs less but is just as effective. We are using ID route to be able to vaccinate more people.

Fact 5 - Ideally, we recommend three doses but one is better than none! Schedules can be given days 0, 7 and 21 or 28 or an accelerated course on days 0, 3 and 7.

Fact 6 - After exposure, the rabies virus travels at 1 metre per day along your nerves to your brain - so a bite on your nose reaches your brain faster than one on your foot.

Fact 7 - If you are exposed, you still need to get medical help and will need either more rabies vaccine or even stuff called immunoglobulin. There is a shortage of immunoglobulin worldwide, so may not be easy to get (or let’s face it try and say). Having rabies vaccination could mean that you do not need the immunoglobulin treatment.

Fact 8 - India is the highest risk country in the world for rabies.

Fact 9 - You were bitten on holiday and started post-exposure treatment but need more now you are back? THIS IS PROVIDED ON THE NHS so contact your GP or Emergency Department who can arrange the follow-up vaccinations.

Fact 10 - The World Health Organisation have a program to vaccinate stray dogs to help reduce rabies transmission. As dog lovers at Aquamarine, we are glad for both humans and dogs.

Book in to talk to one of our specialist staff about rabies and to have your vaccines.


Going to altitude - climb high, sleep low!


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